
About the CPSC Onewheel Recall

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (USCPSC) has warned consumers to stop using Onewheel products and is pursuing a recall of the entire Onewheel lineup: Onewheel (V1), Onewheel+, Onewheel+ XR, Onewheel Pint, Onewheel Pint X, and Onewheel GT. The CPSC alleges that Onewheels present an unacceptable risk for serious injury and death.

We the riders know this isn’t true! But, now we need to make that case to the CPSC, or the sport could be at risk. So what can you do? 

Click here to sign the open letter from Future Motion and tell the CPSC why Onewheels should not be recalled or banned! Read on to see how we made our case.


Your efforts to discontinue and ban the Onewheel are misguided and without precedent. 

While it is true that some individuals have been injured or killed while using the product, this is not due to a design flaw, but simple physics. I’m sure others have explained to you by now that a single-wheeled device with finite torque and power cannot continue to self-balance indefinitely. The product is not flawed because it fails to continue functioning when consumers exceed the limits of said product. 

These limits are well-indicated on the packaging of all Onewheel models. In order to use the device, the customer must first remove the literature wrapped around its footpads, which explains how the board will behave when the rider approaches its limits. This literature also indicates that users should wear appropriate protective equipment while learning to ride, including but not limited to a helmet. Therefore, no customer has an excuse not to understand the workings of the board or the risk involved in riding it. 

In addition to this comprehensive literature, Onewheels are programmed with “pushback,” a function that serves two purposes. First, it creates acceleration to keep the board under the rider’s feet when the rider is putting too much pressure on the nose (trying to go too fast). Second, it noticeably lifts the rider’s front foot when the board is approaching the limits of its power and torque, creating an uncomfortable riding stance that naturally encourages the user to slow down to safer speeds.

If individual consumers neglected to read the literature, chose to ignore programmed warning signs and exceed the clearly stated limits of the product, or decided to attempt a new board sport without wearing appropriate protective gear, that is a matter of personal responsibility, NOT a product flaw and NOT negligence on the manufacturer’s part. 

Every activity and every product comes with risks, especially products of a skill-based recreational nature. The risks associated with the Onewheel are not greater than those presented by skateboards, snowboards, scooters, skis, bicycles, motorcycles, four-wheelers, snowmobiles, cars, and essentially any form of personal transportation. 

The benefits associated with Onewheel products far outweigh the risks, even accounting for the few tragic instances of individual riders who paid the ultimate price for their own negligence. 

  • Physical health: The Onewheel encourages riders to get outside and move around. 
  • Mental health: Onewheel creates a zen state of mind that helps many riders (including myself) combat anxiety and depression. 
  • Family: Onewheeling is an ageless activity that brings families together across generations.
  • Community: This product has attracted a vibrant and passionate group of people, many of them misfits before they discovered the community that has grown around Onewheel as a leisure activity and as a sport. 
  • Accessibility: Onewheels unlock the world. In the city, they enable essential transportation for people who can’t afford a car, with all its associated costs of gas, parking, and maintenance–or simply for those who wish to reduce their carbon footprint. On the trails, Onewheels enable people who may be unable to pedal a bike due to injury, illness, disability, or the inevitable process of aging to access and enjoy the beauty of nature.

For these reasons and more, the Onewheel community stands against the CPSC’s decision, and we will push back at every step of the way.


Amanda Thompson
International One Wheel Association