
Trail Resources

Have you been stopped by an authority figure while riding your Onewheel? Did your favorite trail post a new sign saying Onewheels are not allowed? Use our advocacy resources to help make your case so you can ride freely without fear of tickets, bans, and other penalties.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Trail Advocacy

Whether you’re riding a favorite trail or exploring new territory, nothing kills the stoke quite like a “No Onewheels” sign. So what can you do to help advocate for Onewheel trail access? Follow our step-by-step guide for presenting your case to local authorities and stakeholders including trail managers, legislators, and mountain bike clubs who may be involved in funding or maintaining your favorite trails.


Determine who owns or maintains the trail, path, or street which you want to ride.

If owned by a national, state or other local government, the elected officials of that jurisdiction and department heads are good points of contact (they are generally directors of parks, directors of roads/transportation or directors of public works).

If owned by a private citizen or private group, determine the individual owner or liaison for the group.


If the area is owned by a national, state or other local government, provide details as to whether you are a constituent of the relevant jurisdiction and how you individually or your group relate to your community.

If the area is owned by a private citizen or group, provide any details of your interactions with the individual or organization.


Determine what is the barrier between you and your goal and clearly request it be addressed by specific action. If the area is owned by a national, state or other local government and posted signage indicatess Onewheels are not allowed, determine the basis of the ban.


Possibility 1: An open-ended law, ordinance or regulation has been interpreted to prohibit Onewheels at this location.
    1. In these cases, you may not need to advocate for a change to language of the law, but rather make the case that the law, ordinance or regulation already allows Onewheels and request that enforcement of the law allow for use of Onewheels.
    2. Example: This situation frequently arises in the context of bans on “motorized vehicles.”
    3. What to do: Carefully read the law and determine whether the definition clearly includes Onewheels. If a regulation does not cover Onewheels, clearly explain why (generally by providing technical specs). CONCENTRATE ON FACTS!


Possibility 2: A law, ordinance or regulation specifically bans Onewheels.
      1. In this case, a public policy argument in favor of Onewheels should be utilized. Please use any and all resources from this page that you feel are relevant to making your case. On this page you will find…
        1. Positive correspondence from trail systems
        2. A list of notable trail systems allowing Onewheels
        3. Suggested trail signage utilized by Coler Mountain Bike Preserve
      2. When making your case, stress the benefits of Onewheels to the community.
        1. On trails, the wide wheels tend to smooth out and shape berms and trails while also repairing rut and rain damage.
        2. In street, sidewalk and pedestrian path settings, the relative safety, small size and low speeds aspects of onewheels should be emphasized.
        3. Describe the physical fitness, mental health, and community outreach benefits of the Onewheel community. Mention organizations like Meals on Onewheels, Shred the Stress, Drift Sisters, etc. to strengthen your argument. You can also mention the benefits to businesses you frequent via the Onewheel or any other forms of service the Onewheel allows you to provide (example: trash pickup days).
      3. Be sure to request face-to-face meetings with elected officials or department heads, to make public comments at meetings, and to show a coalition of support if possible. MAKE IT PERSONAL!


If the area is owned by a private individual or organization, then fostering goodwill and providing evidence of trail benefits is the only avenue to have a ban reversed.
    1. The best way to get your foot in the door is through contributions to trail building and maintenance via either labor or monetary contribution.
    2. When contacting natural surface trail owners or managers…
      1. Emphasize the idea that the Onewheel is a “trail Zamboni.” Explain that the wide wheels tend to smooth out and shape berms and trails while also repairing rut and rain damage.
      2. Demonstrate the respectful nature of your trail use and intention to yield to all other users.
    3. You may find the following included resources helpful when stating your case:
      1. Positive letters from mountain bike communities
      2.  YouTube videos of Onewheelers maintaining trails and/or riding alongside mountain bikers


After respectfully stating the issue, your solution, and the reasons why your proposal is sound policy, make sure that you specifically ask for a response.


    A key to good advocacy is continuing to follow up on your issue.

    Who are my local legislators?

    To identify and contact relevant leadership in your town, city, or county, visit the municipality’s website (usually a .gov or .org site) and look for departments with names such as Recreation, Parks and Recreation, Facilities and Parks, etc. The person you want to contact will have a title like Parks and Recreation Director, Facility Manager, Park Operations Director, Recreation Manager, etc.

    Who are my local stakeholders?

    Mountain bike clubs are a great place to start building goodwill between different types of trail users, especially if you show up for trail building and maintenance days! To find MTB clubs in your area, check out these directories, which are organized by country, region, state and province.